Apart from luxurious softness and shiny beauty, there are a number of other benefits that silk offers, which other fabrics, whether natural or artificial, simply cannot provide. Silk brings so much into our lives; can improve our health, relaxation, sleep. Not only is silk completely natural, but it is also very durable and resistant, which means that the average piece of silk will last quite a long time, years and even decades. It is because of these benefits that another name for silk is the queen of fabrics.
If you are still wondering: "why silk", the following reasons should remove all doubts.
Silk contains only natural substances without any chemicals.
Silk fibers are similar to human hair and consist of 97% protein, 3% fat and wax, and 18 amino acids, which have a positive effect on human skin.
Some people suffer from multiple allergies or sensitive skin, making it difficult to find clothes or sheets that suit them. Common materials not only cause allergy symptoms, but also make them worse, turning a relaxing sleep into one filled with itching and scratching – a real nightmare.
Silk does not attract mites and does not resist dust, fungi, mold and some other allergens. Proteins in silk repel these animals of microscopic size, which are among the leading causes of human allergies. With the top 3 household allergens that cannot manifest on a bed with silk Silk Factory bedding, allergy sufferers can relax knowing they are safe from skin rashes, eczema and a stuffy nose.
As we age, we are tempted to try just about anything that promises to hide the signs of aging. However, investing in expensive ‘miracle creams’ may not be as effective as investing in a quality Silk Factory silk pillowcase.
Numerous studies of the cosmetic application of silk have been conducted, which have shown that sleeping on a silk pillowcase can actually prevent the formation of wrinkles. The natural cellular proteins found in silk help speed up the metabolism of skin cells, ensuring that they regenerate faster, which in turn leads to healthier skin.
One Scandinavian study found that cotton pillows can actually increase the likelihood of wrinkles, given that frequent turning at night is considered one of the biggest causes of wrinkles, but the smooth silk surface reduces friction between the skin and the pillow, reducing the chances.
If wrinkles are your concern, it's time to replace the cotton pillowcases - Silk Factory with silk pillows and take advantage of the benefits of aging!
If you have ever experienced the luxury of sleeping in silk, you know how fast you can fall asleep while wrapped in this material. 30 – 40% of the population has trouble sleeping, and one of the factors that affects this is the bedding we sleep on. Silk exerts negligible pressure on the human body and follows natural contours and movement, providing everyone who uses it with a guaranteed complete night’s sleep.
Silk can regulate body temperature and control humidity in a variety of climates. Therefore, silk is an excellent sleep companion that will surely improve the quality of sleep. The softness of the material gives signals to your nervous system to relax.
These are some of the reasons why it is clear that sleeping in silk bedding can actually improve sleep – and we all know that good sleep affects almost every aspect of life.
Do you suffer from dry, dehydrated skin? Silk is the right solution for you. This does not mean that you should discard moisturizer, but sleeping in silk bedding can help keep your skin hydrated throughout the night.
Made from tightly woven, smooth fibers, Silk Factory silk helps retain skin moisture.
Cotton absorbs up to 30% of its weight, unlike silk which has an absorption rate of about 11%. Therefore it dehydrates the epidermis much less than cotton and keeps the skin naturally hydrated overnight. Sleeping on a silk pillow allows your skin to look better and stay softer. Silk preserves the youthfulness of the face.
6. PERFECT FOR HAIR: “silky smooth hair”
In addition to being good for the skin, silk is also amazing for hair for several reasons:
Silk fabric is not coarse, unlike cotton fabrics and will make your hair “slide” on the pillow and will prevent excessive friction that causes hair breakage. Also, silk does not conduct static electricity, so you can keep your hair silky soft! You don’t need to worry about tangled hair early in the morning. Soft hair without tangling also means long-term reduction of hair loss. Last but not least, silk acts as a moisture sensor, creating a protective barrier that keeps your hair properly hydrated. It absorbs far less sebum created by your hair and thus protects it.
In addition, if you want to keep your hairstyle steady during the night, it is recommended to sleep in a silk cap.